"Microwave resonances of magnetic skyrmions in thin film multilayers".Nature Communications 12, 1909, 2021.
"Angle-resolved broadband ferromagnetic resonance apparatus enabled through a spring-loaded sample mounting manipulator".Rev. Sci. Instr. 90, 076103, 2019.
"Tunable magnetization relaxation of Fe(2)Cr(1−x)Co(x)Si half-metallic Heusler alloys by band structure engineering".Physical Review Materials, 2017.
"Magnetization dynamics in thin CoFeB films".Proc Natl Acad Sci, 613864114, 2017.
"A broadband ferromagnetic resonance dipper probe for magnetic damping measurements from 4.2 K to 300 K".Rev. Sci. Instruments 87, 043110 (2016), 2016.
"Reentrant Phase Coherence in Superconducting Nanowire Composites".ACS Nano 10 (1), pp 515–523, 2016.
"A versatile rotary-stage high frequency probe station for studying magnetic films and devices".Rev. Sci. Instruments, 87, 074704, 2016.
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"Microwave resonances of magnetic skyrmions in thin film multilayers".Nature Communications 12, 1909, 2021.
"Angle-resolved broadband ferromagnetic resonance apparatus enabled through a spring-loaded sample mounting manipulator".Rev. Sci. Instr. 90, 076103, 2019.
"Tunable magnetization relaxation of Fe(2)Cr(1−x)Co(x)Si half-metallic Heusler alloys by band structure engineering".Physical Review Materials, 2017.
"Magnetization dynamics in thin CoFeB films".Proc Natl Acad Sci, 613864114, 2017.
"A broadband ferromagnetic resonance dipper probe for magnetic damping measurements from 4.2 K to 300 K".Rev. Sci. Instruments 87, 043110 (2016), 2016.
"Reentrant Phase Coherence in Superconducting Nanowire Composites".ACS Nano 10 (1), pp 515–523, 2016.
"A versatile rotary-stage high frequency probe station for studying magnetic films and devices".Rev. Sci. Instruments, 87, 074704, 2016.
"Current induced domain wall motion in antiferromagnetically coupled (Co70Fe30/Pd) multilayer nanowires".Applied Physics Letters 109, 142403 (2016), 2016.
"Filamentary superconductivity across the phase diagram of Ba(Fe,Co)2As2".Phys. Rev. B 86, 064521, 2012.
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